› added 9 years ago


TIL Sleep is the only time the brain has to catch its breath. If it doesn’t, it may drown in its own biological debris–everything from toxic free radicals produced by hard-working fuel cells to spent molecules that are now useless

Oo87g TIL on the first day of filming 'The Devil Wears Prada' (2006), Meryl Streep told Anne Hathaway, "I think you're perfect for the role. I'm so happy we're going to be working together." Then she paused and followed it up with, "That's the last nice thing I'll say to you." And it was.
Yp9KA TIl along with reforming the church, Luther reformed the musical world by expanding Choral music, establishing schools for music exploration, and exploring new musical instruments. Future musicians such as Bach drew inspiration from his new approach to start their own musical language revolutions.
6JX7 TIL of the Horseshoe Theory. The idea is that the political spectrum isn’t a line, it’s more of a horseshoe shape. The extreme ends of the left and right are more similar to each other than moderate left and moderate right.
5YlE9 TIL that though his music career famously sank, Vanilla Ice has kept himself afloat nicely with his home improvment “The Vanilla Ice Project,” with an estimated net worth of $18 million
dDx9B TIL bed bugs do not engage in courtship rituals; rather, their method of mating is known as traumatic insemination. In this process, a male bed bug will climb onto a female and use his hypodermic penis to puncture the side of her body, depositing his sperm into her body cavity...