› added 3 years ago


TIL - Lynn Russell, a former CNN anchor, has two black belts, a deputy sheriff’s badge, a real estate license, and her private investigative license. Lynn and her husband, Chuck de Caro survived a shootout at a Motel 6 in 2015.

9Y9A7 TIL Babylonians were using a rudimentary form of calculus to calculate Jupiter’s displacement each day along the ecliptic, the path that the sun appears to trace through the stars. Historians had thought such techniques did not emerge until more than 1400 years later, in 14th century Europe.
8apXV TIL The U.S was going to detonate 3 nuclear warheads to to drill for oil, which could have detonated 300 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. It was luckily stopped by the community of Sublette County due to the high risks to the wellbeing of the community and the environment.
WK0L TIL Will Farrell worked as a mall Santa. That means someone has a childhood Christmas photo with Will Farrell Santa.
Oo6Jg TIL Sir James Matthew Barrie assigned the copyright in Peter Pan to Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital. Peter Pan is the only copyright in the UK that has been extended in perpetuity, meaning the Hospital can receive royalties forever. It is the copyright which never grows old.
gMJJ4 TIL 3M invented the chemical PFOS back in 1950, used it in many products such as Teflon, Scotchgard, food warppers, etc., but it is now deemed to be toxic and the substance is now found in blood of animals everywhere from polar bears to dolphins to eagles.