› added 3 years ago


TIL that cows have best friends. In a study to identify factors affecting milk yields, researchers noticed that cows form attachments to specific individuals in their herd. When these cows are together, indicators of stress in both noticeably reduce.

YWnW TIL that the word ‘Third World’ has little to do with how poor a country is. Sweden and Finland are also considered to be Third World countries.
Oogd4 TIL That graffiti from Pompeii survived the Vesuvius eruption. Some of the immortalized words recorded are; "Aufidius was here. Goodbye", "Samius to Cornelius: go hang yourself!" & "The one who buggers a fire burns his penis"
GY4KQ TIL In Las Vegas, there is a hospital-themed hooters restaurant called the "Heart Attack Grille" which allows anyone who weighs more than 350 lbs to eat for free. Customers must wear a hospital gown while staff are dressed like nurses and doctors.
lo5w1 TIL The tail of a feathered dinosaur has been found perfectly preserved in amber from Myanmar. The one-of-a-kind discovery helps put flesh on the bones of these extinct creatures, opening a new window on the biology of a group that dominated Earth for more than 160 million years.
kO6DE TIL that in Edgar Allen Poe's 1838 novel The Narrative of Arthur Gorden Pym of Nantucket the survivors of a shipwreck eat a character called Richard Parker. Poe called the book "silly," but in 1884 the survivors of a real British shipwreck were tried for eating a cabin boy ... named Richard Parker.