› added 5 years ago


TIL Johnny Cash has a younger brother called Tommy Cash, who is also a singer-songwriter and had songs like "I Didn't Walk the Line" and "My Mother's Other Son"

VBVM4 TIL that BBC Breakfast's resident doctor Nighat Arif has advocated for more women to be given vibrators for medical reasons, on the grounds that orgasms help pelvic floor muscles, lower blood pressure, and release endorphins which help relieve pain.
8evna TIL: Donnie Dunagan is a Marine major that served in Vietnam and led a boot camp for years before retiring in 1977. He is also the voice of Bambi in the 1942 classic movie.
rRXR1 TIL a lady named Gloria Ramirez was named the "The Toxic Lady" after death due to releasing "a garlic-like smell" that the medical staff thought came from her mouth, which actually came from her whole body, along with other strange symptoms. The reason as to why this happened is unknown.
XdBj TIL Vermont was an independent country for 14 years. A popular poem from Vermont at the time read “Come York or come Hampshire, come traitors or knaves, If ye rule o'er our land ye shall rule o'er our graves; Our vow is recorded—our banner unfurled, In the name of Vermont we defy all the world!”
9YwaG TIL during the battle of Spotsylvania general Sedgwick,after he saw his men ducking for cover exclaimed "Why are you dodging like this? They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance." These were his last words as he was shot and killed right after he finished the sentence