› added 7 years ago


TIL George Clinton doesn’t know who played guitar for one of Funkadelic’s greatest guitar solos, “Get Off Your Ass and Jam” (1975). The mystery guitarist was a white heroin addict that asked to sit in and was paid $50.

ema5 TIL that a whale’s ear wax builds up over the course of its life and can be analysed like tree-rings.
awKJ9 TIL of the Knights of the Golden Circle. They were a secret society who wanted to found a new, pro-slavery country called the Golden Circle which would've consisted of the US South, Mexico, Central America, Cuba, Haiti, the DR, parts of South America, and the Caribbean.
OGJEe TIL There is a Chinese poem entitled "Shī-shì shí shī shǐ", with 92 words - all of which are "shi". The poem becomes comprehensible because Chinese is a tonal language - where the same word can be pronounced with many different tones. Supposedly, the poem is more sensible in Cantonese than Mandarin
wEK1 TIL after Las Vegas cabdriver vanished in 2012, a tip suggested looking in Lake Mead National Park. However, a volunteer search team wasn’t allowed into the park until it got $1 million in liability insurance. After 6 months of family fundraising, the search began and his body was found in 2 hours
ADyga TIL a Jesuit professor in 1901 found Martin Waldseemüller's map of the world made in 1507. What makes this map important is the word, "America" printed on the southern continent of the Western Hemisphere. The U.S. Government considers it the "birth certificate of America."