› added 4 years ago


TIL EA bought out exclusive rights to be the sole producer of NFL games under the Madden Franchise. This is because its competitor (2K Sports) released NFL 2K5 for $19.99 and was considered one of the best football games of all time. EA ensured 2K could never make another football game again.

Me7lA TIL A Charlie Brown Christmas essentially killed the popularity of aluminum Christmas trees single-handedly. Within two years after its release, aluminum trees were no longer regularly manufactured.
yQMYv TIL When Dolly Parton wanted to buy an old themepark and name it after herself her lawyers and accountants were dead set against it. She fired them all, bought the park, renovated it and its now a bustling, successful, profitable theme park. Parton's net worth is currently about $600 Million.
a8V9L TIL: On January 5, 2002, Charles J. Bishop stole a Cessna 172 light aircraft and crashed it into the side of the bank of America tower. His mother filed a lawsuit against Roche Laboratories claiming that Accutane had side effects such as depression and suicidal actions.
k4XW TIL A 2003 study found that people who ate fish once a week or more had a 60% lower risk for developing Alzheimer’s than those who consumed fish less frequently. Far more affective than any known drug.
7y8L TIL of a Chinese traffic jam that lasted 10 days, with some individual drivers taking up to 5 days to get out. This took so long that a small micro economy developed on the highway