› added 4 years ago


TIL "Typhoid Mary" vigorously protested her quarantine. When she was first captured in 1907, she fled over back fences and barricaded herself with barrels. Her second capture came after she hid in a friend’s home on Corona Avenue and was finally captured by means of a ladder to the second story.

4np5 TIL Bonnie and Clyde were shot so many times that the undertaker had difficulty embalming the bodies because all of the fluid kept leaking out.
m1m0R TIL About John Weir Foote a Canadian Army Chaplain from World War II who became the only Canadian Chaplain to be awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions during the Dieppe Raid. Among his actions were loading wounded onto evacuating craft and staying behind to aid those who could not be moved.
0kXj TIL China has banned the show Doctor Who because it encourages people to imagine alternative realities and this could cause people to imagine a world without the oppressive state government.
5VXDD TIL The Great auk (Pinguinus impennis) was a flightless black and white birds found around the North Atlantic. As explores went south the found birds that resembled the Great auk and named them penguins too, but they are actually unrelated.
Br7De TIL that in 1777 Thomas Jefferson drafted the Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom. When it was enacted, religious freedom was guaranteed to all persons, including Muslims, Jews, and Hindus. In addition it also was one of three things listed on Jefferson's grave.