› added 9 years ago


TIL there exist people who can locate objects through echolocation, making it possible for blind people to ride bicycles through traffic.

PvZV TIL of the Lavabit case, where the FBI used loopholes and exploits to force surveillance into a secure email service: “since the ‘inspection’ of the data was to be carried out by a machine, it was exempt from the normal search-and-seizure protections of the Fourth Amendment.”
BrPBD TIL About Miroslav Šatan, a former NHL hockey player. Because his name so closely resembles that of Satan, a popular April Fool's joke was that he was traded to the New Jersey Devils as a captain, making him the leader of the Devils.
QrEk TIL that lead singer of DEVO, Mark Mothersbaugh, also made the music to Rugrats, Rocket Power, The Sims 2, the Crash Bandicoot games, The Jak&Daxter series, Dumb and Dumber, The Lego Movie, The Life Aquatic, 21/22 Jump Street, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs,and of course Halloween Town I & II
6EVN7 TIL: Japanese kitchen knives are a lot sharper than Katana swords since blacksmiths switched from making swords to making knives when the samurai were banned from carrying swords in the 19th century to modernise Japan after the Meiji Restoration.
neRkB TIL about the Guatemala syphilis experiments, US-run non-consensual experiments on vulnerable members of the Guatemalan population. The lead physician John Charles Cutler was also involved with the more well-known Tuskegee Syphilis Study.