› added 6 years ago


TIL it's cheaper to adopt a black baby than other types of children. Adopting biracial, Latino, Asian or Caucasian children typically has a longer waiting list than for black children. The agencies cut the cost of adopting black children as a means of creating incentive.

d8GPZ TIL that Groundhog Day was introduced to America by German settlers who originally used a hedgehog to predict the weather, switching to the groundhog as they were easier to come across in the Keystone State.
QNdk TIL this guy is legally allowed to wear a crown in his passport photo and carry around a sword because of European religious freedom laws. He claims to be a reincarnated King Arthur and leader of the ancient druids.
YpaWd TIL that at an art display, live goldfish were placed on display swimming in blenders, and visitors were told they could press the "on" button if they wanted. At least one visitor did, killing two goldfish.
woZKP TIL in 1969 Led Zeppelin, after the Seattle Pop Festival alongside Vanilla Fudge, stayed in the Edgewater Inn where you can rent fishing poles, and fish out your room window. Allegedly, the band pleasured a willing groupie with a shark, and Mark Stein of Vanilla Fudge recorded it on an 8mm camera.
wokQJ TIL of Adrian Carton de Wiart who survived being shot in the face, head, stomach, ankle, leg, hip, and ear, lost his left eye, survived two plane crashes, tunnelled out of a prisoner-of-war camp, and tore off his own fingers when a doctor declined to amputate them.