› added 5 years ago


TIL when Robert E Lee and the confederate army surrendered, Union soldiers silently saluted them. Normally victorious armies would taunt or mock defeated ones, but Union general Chamberlain respected the confederatestood much and ordered his men to salute.

QKDp TIL the three actors who were in ‘The Blair Witch Project’ were listed as “Missing, presumed dead” on IMDb before the movie’s release as part of one of the greatest viral marketing campaigns ever.
R7V57 TIL when Rockstar first released Grand Theft Auto, they actually paid reviewers to negatively review the game in order to keep it controversial, and therefore popular. They targeted right wing news papers to ensure moral outrage and drive the game to success.
NBxP TIL WD-40 was originally designed to protect the exterior of Atlas Missiles from water and corrosion. It worked so well that employees started to sneak it home to use on other things.
Jwnl TIL that a dog named ‘Fido’ returned to a bus stop in Italy over 5,000 times (over 14 years) to wait for his deceased master to get off the bus, even during “violent allied bombardment” of the area and then eventually died waiting at the bus stop..
waro TIL That actor Ron Perlman smokes 4 cigars a day, mostly to calm himself. He says: “Some people meditate, I smoke cigars. It’s the best way for me to find myself. Smoking a cigar stops my hands from shaking. Smoking a cigar prevents me from punching people in the face when they get on my nerves.“