› added 11 years ago


TIL the Black Death still exists, and there are roughly 10 - 15 reported cases each year in the US

404J TIL Alcatraz showers were always supplied with hot water to hinder inmates from getting acclimated to the chilly waters of San Francisco Bay. Furthermore, inmates had access to good food, monthly movies, and a 15,000 book library in order to curb bad behavior
Bg1GD TIL about the Goodyear Inflatoplane, an inflatable aircraft designed to serve as a rescue method for airmen trapped behind hostile lines. When unloaded, it weighed a mere 102 kilograms, and the engine on the smallest variant output a mere 40 horsepower, comparable to a small motorcycle's engine.
91BM TIL the Troll A Platform, a natural gas platform in the middle of the Troll Gas Field off the coast of Norway, is the tallest and heaviest structure ever moved to another position, relative to the surface of the Earth, and is among the largest and most complex engineering projects in history.
vPEa4 TIL The philosopher Mencius moved three times in his childhood as his mom tried to find a suitable environment. When they lived by a cemetery, his mom found him performing burials. After living by the market, he pretended to be a merchant. In the end, his mom moved him to a school and he studied
7WBp TIL that in 1996, Charlie Sheen paid $6,537.50 to buy 2,615 tickets to a Major League Baseball game at Anaheim Stadium, hoping to catch a home run ball. Sheen and three of his friends sat alone, 20 rows up, but no home runs were hit that day.