› added 3 years ago


TIL of Nancy Hart, a heroine of the American revolutionary war celebrated for repeatedly outsmarting and killing loyalist soldiers in Georgia.She is best known for an incident where she singlehandedly incapacitated 6 Tory soldiers who walked into her home and demanded that she cook a turkey for them

EjAo TIL the band Chumbawamba, mainly known for their ubiquitous hit “Tubthumping”, was actually a politically charged anarcho-punk band who once advised fans to steal their music out of chain stores.
KYAK9 TIL in 1940s and 50s America coin-op machines called the “Voice-O-Graph” were commonly available to instantly record a single vinyl record from an attached microphone for a few quarters
jxgQ TIL in 1978, a landing gear indicator light malfunctioned on a passenger jet approaching Portland, OR. In a holding pattern, the crew spent over an hour inspecting the issue until the jet ran out of fuel and crashed, killing 10 people. The landing gear had actually been down all along.
javM TIL that the rightful heir to the North Korean ruling dynasty, Kim Jong-nam, has been living in exile in China since 2001 after traveling to Japan on a forged Dominican Republic passport using a Chinese alias, Pang Xiong, which means “fat bear” in Mandarin, in an attempt to visit Tokyo Disneyland
vJVK TIL that 323 reindeer were killed in a single lightning storm in Norway. Reindeer huddle together in bad weather, and their close proximity explains why so many were killed at once.