K8Ma TIL: During the Great Potato Famine, the Ottoman Empire sent ships full of food, were turned away by the British, and then snuck into Dublin illegally to provide aid to the starving Irish.
gdD9 TIL; During the entire Irish Potato Famine (1845-1852), rich landowners exported 30-50 shiploads of food per day, while more than 1 million people starved to death.
94LD TIL during the Great Potato Famine, the Ottoman Empire tried to send money and ships full of food to Ireland, but were blocked by the British and instead snuck into Dublin illegally to provide aid for the Irish.
WdQY TIL just 16 years after being forcibly relocated on the Trail of Tears, the Choctaw Nation donated $170 to help the starving victims of the Irish potato famine in 1847
xrZo TIL that in 1847 the Choctaw Nation raised $170 to help victims of the Irish Potato Famine despite having just been forced through the Trail of Tears.
9XwG TIL According to legend, in 1845, Ottoman Sultan declared his intention to send £10,000 to victims of the Irish potato famine, but was instructed to send only £1,000, so as not to donate more than Queen Victoria, who had sent £2,000. He sent £1,000 along with three or five ships full of food.
m9no TIL that during the Irish Potato Famine, the poor were given construction jobs, so they could earn food rather than receive it as a handout. However, to avoid taking jobs from other workers, these people built useless projects, like roads in the middle of nowhere, and piers in the middle of bogs.
kOJm4 TIL that a mere 16 years after being marched 1000s of Miles during the ‘Trail of Tears’, the Choctaw donated what is equivalent to tens of thousands today to Irish during their potato famine.
gM9RA TIL the Irish potato famine was not about blight. There was plenty of food to feed everyone in Ireland. The main problem was greed. And British rulers who blamed the poor themselves.
e0OAD TIL 1 in 4 Irish citizens either died or left Ireland during the great potato famine of the 1840s.