› added 10 years ago


TIL that the Playstation’s buttons have meanings. The triangle refers to the player’s view looking forward, square refers to menus or maps, and the circle and X represent Yes and No. The creator had hoped that other people would see these icons as such, and use them for their original propose.

MLeW TIL when America lost it’s AAA credit rating in 2011, the treasury contacted S&P and said “such behavior could not occur without a response”. Within 2 weeks the SEC and DoJ were investigating the ratings agency and the government ended up suing them for $5 billion
VMeam TIL of Elan School, a child behavior modification camp operating from 1970-2011. Using Lord of The Flies style techniques, they would psychologically destroy the children for years, leading to extraordinarily high suicide rates. If a child escaped, bounty hunters would chase them across the country.
4XY0g TIL for much of the 1800s in the UK, Sunday and Monday were the unofficial weekend, with Sunday for Church and Monday being adopted by workers as an unofficial holiday, mockingly called "St. Monday" (like a religious holiday). By the late 1800s, Monday became a workday, and Saturday a half workday.
RvRQ TIL A Sober driver was arrested for a DUI after a deputy flew through a stop sign and hit her.
E1Lg7 TIL that before 9/11, FAA regulations allowed small knives to be carried aboard aircraft by passengers. So even if screeners had found the hijackers' knives they would have still been allowed to board Flights 11, 77, 175 and 93 with them.