› added 11 years ago


TIL while trying to eclipse the Eiffel Tower for the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, an inventor named J. B. McComber proposed a 8,947 foot tower which would have rails extending from the top, leading all the way to New York City, Baltimore, and Boston, on which fair-goers could toboggan all the way home

6EExX A few transplants out of the 28,000 performed every year involve the same organ spending time in more than two bodies. The most common scenario arises when a patient in the late stages of a disease receives a new liver or kidney as a last-ditch effort to keep him alive. If he dies shortly after, and the new organ wasn't the cause, re-transplanting may be an option.
N7aQM TIL Quantum Immortality is a thought experiment according to which self conscious beings cannot experience death. According to the experiment, the self conscious being’s mind would just switch to another reality in which its death did not occur.
N7Vr6 TIL that Diphenhydramine, sold under brand names Benadryl, Nytol, ZZZQuil, Unisom, and others can cause extremely realistic hallucinations and confusion at high doses. Most users report hallucinations of spiders, conversations with people that aren't there, and a lingering impending sense of doom.
Me5Qm TIL Stanisław Kowalski is the world's oldest competitive athlete, who at the age of 105 needed the creation of a new age division, where he competed in sprinting, shot put and discus.
b9bVZ TIL: Bill Cosby described Bart Simpson as a bad role model for children