› added 10 years ago


TIL in 1966 Harper Lee made a donation to the beadle bumble fund after “To kill a mockingbird” was banned by a school board in Hanover, Virginia who believed the book to be immoral. Harper Lee hoped that the donation would be used to educate the school board as she believed them to be illiterate

vPmwL TIL a coal mine in China operated steam powered trains as recently as 2022, and that new steam locomotives were produced well into the 80s and 90s
gMVx8 TIL That the multi-colored lines associated with non-working TVs are known as a test card. I also learned that the test card for PAL (European, Brazilian, etc.) TVs is a different pattern, featuring multi-colored and many black-and-white lines in a circle.
xVQW5 TIL the Dilbert comic ran a story-line that was published around Easter about a new hire named Jesus, pronounced 'hey-soos', who was fired but returned three days later.
0m4L TIL when three men with machetes came into an African orphanage at night, a man named Omari took a hammer to fight all three at once. He survived after getting hit in the face with a machete, and saved all of the children. His story, first shared on Reddit, helped raise $83,000 for the orphanage.
Z8XKo TIL that the term “Peeping Tom” originates from the time Lady Godiva rode her horse naked around Coventry in protest at her husband’s (Earl of Mercia) tax increases. She asked people not to look but a man named Thomas did and according to legend, was struck blind.