› added 8 years ago


TIL That facing defeat and surrounded by the Roman army, Hannibal sent oxen with torches tied to them toward the Roman camp, causing the Romans to send their entire army to meet the oxen while Hannibal and his men escaped through a mountain pass that the Romans had been blocking before the deception

6E8XQ TIL a UK study found that in divorce cases, husbands engaged in affairs in 75% of cases, wives in 25% of cases. 53% of divorces were marriages that lasted 10-15 years, 40% ending after 5-10 years. The study found that if a marriage survives over 20 years it is unlikely to end in divorce.
OoGyY The third molars—the last of a group of teeth that grinds food into easy-to-swallow chunks—tend to be overcrowded in adult human mouths, and thus require yanking. But every other toothed mammal has room for their “wisdom teeth,” and so did Neanderthals and other early hominids, says evolutionary biologist Leslea Hlusko of the University of California, Berkeley. So why have those teeth become such a pain for us?
QNl1a TIL becoming the President of France automatically makes you a co-head-of-state and monarch of Andorra. Neither head of state lives in Andorra.
69N7Z TIL that 25% of all known animal species are beetles
R7XB8 TIL about the sick building syndrome, a condition in which people in a building suffer from symptoms of illness or become infected with chronic disease from the building in which they work or reside. Misplanned aerodynamics and defective construction materials are among the causes of SBS.