› added 6 months ago


TIL that in 1976, a man named Robert E. Casey was elected Treasurer of Pennsylvania because voters thought he was outgoing Auditor General and future Governor of Pennsylvania Robert P. Casey. He ran for re-election in 1980, but lost to his opponent R. Budd Dwyer.

wLA86 TIL about Leonid Ivanovich Rogozo. He was the only medical staffer stationed at the Novolazarevskaya Station(Soviet Antarctic Expedition). While there, he developed appendicitis, which meant he had to perform an appendectomy on himself in a case of self-surgery.
4Xwda TIL that for centuries after his death there was a persistent legend that Roman emperor Nero would return to life and reconquer the empire. This led to a number of fake Neros, one of whom was so widely accepted as real that it almost led to war
4XdvR TIL the reason a bag of potato chips contains mostly air is not to deceive the consumer into believing there is more product. Instead, the air (called slack fill) provides cushioning that protects the chips. "Less air, more chips but they are shattered or More air, fewer chips but they are whole"
45oX TIL the ancient Babylonians worked out that there are solar eclipses that occur 18 years, 11 days, and 8 hours apart. This period, 223 lunar cycles, is called the Saros cycle. The 1999 eclipse and this year’s eclipse are Saros cycle solar eclipses.
QJG1e TIL that "public school" in England means essentially the opposite as it does in the US. In the US public schools are the "common" schools funded by taxes. In England they are elite boarding schools.