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TIL that Nicolas Cage Spent $150 million on 15 homes (including one haunted mansion), two islands, a dinosaur skull, a Lamborghini, exotic pets and a rare vintage comic book.

neEBY TIL that, in 2009, a wastewater treatment plant in Baltimore suffered an Orb Weaver Spider infestation of unprecedented magnitude. The population was estimated to be over 100 MILLION spiders in over 140,000 cubic feet of web. If this happened in your home you'd have 17 million spiders inside.
Lk6e0 TIL: In 1969 24 journalists came together to write the worst novel they could come up with to make fun of US’s vulgar and declining literary culture. That hoax book became a bestseller the same year.
pY6WG TIL in 1965 part of the training to be Special Forces Medic in Vietnam included the Dog Lab at Fort Bragg where they had to shoot a Dog (The Patient) with a .22 (in the thigh) and then successfully treat the wound
4XyDN TIL: Thanks to a gruesome mistake, a French Canadian Voyageur was shot in the stomach, but later healed and recovered from the wound, scientists were better able to understand the digestive tract thanks to how his wound healed, which allowed probing of his stomach actively digesting.
4keeX TIL that, the first Lockheed U-2 spy plane pilots, during extended flights, wore suits equipped with an indwelling urinary catheter. This tube, inserted through the penis into the bladder, siphoned urine into a bag. This suite and solution was unpopular among pilots