› added 1 year ago


TIL The dwarf planet Haumea, which orbits in the Kuiper Belt out beyond Neptune, is already unusual. It has a strange elongated shape, two moons and a day that lasts only 4 hours, making it the fastest-spinning large object in the solar system.

p8v9O TIL of irukandji syndrome. Caused by irukandji jellyfish venom, it has an unusual symptom where the victim has a feeling of "impending doom." The victim is so sure they are going to die, that they ask the doctors to kill them.
v1rxR TIL that Michaelangelo's frescoes in the Sistine chapel, including the last judgement can be seen in their current colourful state only beacause of years of restoration work done by a team led by Gianluigi Colalucci. He is also known for restoring works by Raphael, Giotto, Titian and Buffalmacco.
xXPw TIL that a way to determine if a person is interested in you (can be sexual or nonsexual) is to check if their pupils are dilated when talking to him/her.
yQarv TIL tequila is regulated by the CRT. They ensure compliance regarding quality & source materials during the production, bottling/labeling phases and ensure tequila is made in specified areas in Mexico (similar to Champagne) They collect samples from products to verify compliance using a chemical lab
oBMR TIL that Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s tyrannical leader, has been appointed UN ambassador for tourism despite being accused of ethnic cleansing, vote rigging and being unable to leave Zimbabwe due to a travel ban.