› added 1 year ago


TIL Electric eels NEED to breathe air

xVXbo TIL It's estimated for every baby chimpanzee sold by traffickers, 10 adults were killed in defense of that 1 infant.
wLX9P A new study published February 15 in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society finds that the Andromeda galaxy is actually around the same size as our own galaxy. Scientists previously thought Andromeda was about two to three times the size of the Milky Way, and that it would one day swallow us up in a galactic smashup billions of years away. But researchers using a technique to measure “the speed required to escape a galaxy” have figured out why Andromeda is smaller than research has suggested, according to the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR). This could seriously change the outcome of that eventual merger.
e0Or4 TIL the Delaware Aqueduct, which provides half of New York City's fresh water, has been leaking up to 35 million gallons of water per day since at least the 1990s.
N7Bg6 TIL The odd quirk in the Presidential Line of Succession -- going from Executive Branch (Vice President) to Legislative Branch (President Pro Tempore, Speaker of the House) -- was initially created to specifically keep Thomas Jefferson, then Secretary of State, out of the line of succession.
Z8rl4 TIL about Dulmial a village in Pakistan, known as the “village with the gun” and “Hometown of gunners” which provided 460 soldiers to the British forces in WWI the largest participation of any village in South Asia. It was awarded with a canon in recognition to its WWI contributions by the British.