› added 1 month ago


TIL Korean serial killer Kim Sun-ja laced her friend's tea with cyanide, causing her to vomit. She told her friend that she would feel better if she drank more of the beverage, but her friend became suspicious and refused, becoming the only known survivor of 6 poisoning victims from 1986 to 1988

R5kK4 TIL Tom Cruise’s real last name is “Mapother”
6EpmZ TIL - Hermit crabs swap their shells
VMlA0 TIL John D. Rockefeller, although he was the richest man in the world, occasionally served as janitor at his church
x6v0w TIL that the Illuminati existed but had no enduring influence on world politics
b69r4 TIL that "topless swimsuits" are monokinis and were designed in 1962 by Austrian Rudi Gernreich, who predicted that "bosoms will be uncovered within five years"