› added 2 years ago


TIL about parasocial interactions or relationships. Commonly experienced by fans of a celebrity, the fan develops friend-like emotional bonds with the celebrity, while that celebrity doesn't know the fan at all. When these relationships end, the fan can experience a real sense of loss or suffering.

7OLP TIL Lion tamers use chairs because lions are wired mentally to focus on one thing and attack it, with the four prongs of a chair coming at it, it totally flips its shit and backs off.
VL1Z TIL SETI is the only organization in the world that publicly has a protocol set in place in the event a signal is received from extraterrestrial life.
lAd5 TIL in Scotland, a group of students went to a modern arts gallery and left a pineapple in an empty exhibit to see if people would think it was art. When they returned four days later, not only was the pineapple was still there, it had been covered with a glass case
p8erp TIL During WWII chemists dissolved in acid large Nobel Prize medals with the engraved names of Max von Laue and James Franck to hide them from Germans. Solution of black liquid in two unmarked jars sat on a laboratory shelf. After the war the Nobel Foundation recast them and returned to the owners.
XEEd6 It's largely about how it feels in the mouth. Once a piece of cheddar has been heated to around 150°F, the matrix of milk proteins that provide its structure begins to break down, and the cheese takes on a creamy texture that many people find appealing.