› added 7 years ago


TIL Raccoons were able to open 11 of 13 complex locks in fewer than 10 tries and had no problems repeating the action when the locks were rearranged or turned upside down. They can also remember the solutions to tasks for up to 3 years.

8aEjG TIL of Saleh Ibn Abdul Rahman al-Hussayen, a senior official in Saudi Arabia, who stayed in the same hotel as the 9/11 hijackers the night before the attacks. He feigned a seizure when interviewed by the FBI and flew back to Saudi Arabia after flights resumed, against the FBI’s recommendation.
4XKXg TIL that film director Akira Kurosawa hired expert archers to shoot real arrows at Toshiro Mifune while he dodged them in choreographed movements. Mifune’s visible terror is quite real.
rRldM TIL Linda Burfield Hazzard, nicknamed the Starvation "Doctor" was an American quack doctor noted for her promotion of fasting as a treatment; she was imprisoned by the state of Washington for a number of deaths resulting from this at a sanitarium she operated.
6yLZ TIL that there’s a Justice League comic in which a superhero assassinates a Saddam Hussein analogue in order to end the atrocities of his regime. His actions actually end up destabilizing the country, making the quality of life for citizens much worse than it was before. The comic came out in 1999.
loGKN TIL Tunak Tunak Tun was only made because critics said Daler Mehndi's songs were only popular due to dancing women in the videos. Tunak became his most popular song ever and the video was just him in front of a bad CGI greenscreen.