› added 7 years ago


TIL before the filming of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, director Alfonso Cuarón had Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson write essays about their characters. Watson turned in a 16 page essay, Radcliffe gave a single page, and Grint forgot to turn his in.

rRVBW TIL Between 1980 and 2001 only 3 players (Mario Lemiuex, Wayne Gretzky and Jaromir Jagr) won the Art Ross Trophy which is the award given to the player who scores the most points in the regular NHL season.
JYjpB TIL that in 1825 painter Samuel Morse received a letter which read that his wife was sick. The day after that a new one said that she was dead. When 2 days later he went to his wife, he discovered that she was already buried. Pissed off for the slowness of communications, he invented the Morse code.
ADDld TIL Laika, the first living being launched to space exactly 60 years ago, had a painful death. Until 2002 russian authorities sustained she survived for several days and died painlessly, assuring it was possible to live in space.
X0pQj TIL that actor Kiefer Sutherland threatened to not reprise the role of Doc Scurlock in the movie Young Guns 2 unless he was given a dramatic death scene in the movie, which was reluctantly granted. The historical Doc Scurlock actually died peacefully at the age of 80.
epALE TIL that crows are incredibly intelligent birds, sometimes on par with 7-year-old children in terms of reasoning abilities. They've been known to use tools, recognize faces, and even hold grudges!