› added 6 years ago


TIL of Planned obsolescence, the practice of making a product obsolete thru various means, such as HP who designed certain inkjet printers and cartridges to shut down on an undisclosed expiration date which prevented consumers from using the ink that remained in the expired cartridge

b9DKE TIL that women have 16 percent less neocortical neurons than men
aw4DZ TIL of Ferdinando Boero, a jellyfish expert who was also a fan of Frank Zappa. He reached out to Zappa asking if he'd be ok with a jellyfish named in his honor, to which Zappa replied saying "there is nothing I would like better than having a jellyfish with my name". So it was named Phialella zappai
5Ydr8 TIL Stephen Hawking’s ashes are buried beneath a memorial stone inscribed with his equation for the Hawking temperature of black holes. To commemorate his death, Hawking’s own words were beamed towards the nearest known black hole to Earth, about 3,500 light years away, by the European Space Agency
W7E7B TIL that the airline industry is not under OSHA oversight in the United States. Since the FAA is tasked with regulating the health and safety of airlines, OSHA is precluded from duplicating their efforts.
MgDA TIL That ‘Blood Feuds’ are still active in Albania. If someone kills someone, the family then kills someone from their family and it goes back and forth. The only safe haven is your home. Some feuds are decades old, and some children hardly leave their home to stay safe.