› added 4 years ago


TIL Pasquale Buzzelli lost consciousness in a North Tower stairway during the building collapse on 9/11. He awoke at 3:00 PM that day to find himself lying atop the debris with only a fractured foot.

4kNZX TIL of one of the worst maritime disasters in US history,the explosion and sinking of the steamboat Sultana. Designed to carry 376, 2500 civil war veterans crowded the decks, desperate to get home. It was completely overshadowed by the death of Lincoln’s assassin, John Wilkes Booth, a day earlier.
R7we7 TIL that in the The Dark Knight Bruce Wayne drives a Lamborghini Murciélago (Spanish for "Bat"). However, Lamborghinis are commonly named after fighting bulls, so Batman drives a car named after a bull named Bat.
MWem TIL that during the Great Depression women made clothes out of flour sacks and when manufacturers learned of this they started using patterned fabrics and designed the label to wash out.
VB0 TIL in the 1931 movie, Frankenstein, the line “Now I know what it feels like to be God!” following “It’s alive! It’s alive!” was censored by audio of a clap of thunder because it was considered blasphemous and was only just restored in 1999, nearly 70 years later.
ne17r TIL that in a 2018 English women's football (soccer) match, the referee, upon being without a coin for the pregame coin toss, had the team captains play rock paper scissors to determine which team would kick-off. The referee was subsequently suspended by the FA for three weeks