› added 5 years ago


TIL that Bill Niman, founder of Niman Ranch and pioneer of humane animal farming, stopped eating Niman Ranch products after his farm was bought out by a corporation that dropped his humane treatment and sustainability standards in order to make a profit.

4aKb TIL in 2008 a neo-Nazi group adopted a stretch of Missouri highway; much to the chagrin of state officials who couldn’t afford a lengthy legal battle. Instead, they renamed the highway after Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, who fled the Nazis and became a prominent theologian and civil rights advocate
Wk6k8 TIL about Liviu Librescu: a Romanian-born scientist, engineer, professor, teacher, and Holocaust survivor, who heroically held the door of his classroom closed during the Virginia Tech shootings sacrificing his life while the gunman continuously shot through the door, saving 22 of his 23 students.
PYape TIL in 1985, a Boeing 747 tumbled nearly 5.7 miles straight down before the pilots were able to get back control, just seconds before crashing. No one died.
Zp4ZR TIL Research shows that experiencing chronic loneliness is as bad for our health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day and worse than obesity. It’s associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, and increases our likelihood of early mortality by 26 per cent.
OOaR TIL Roman emperor Commodus had a group of footless Roman citizens bound together in the shape of human, clubbed them all to death, then announced he’d killed a giant.