› added 4 years ago


TIL violence spreads through communities in a pattern similar to infectious disease, and interrupting its spread at critical points has lead to dramatic reductions in killings in crime-plagued areas.

4k9Qg TIL when the band Slayer came to Toronto in 2018, a fan was kicked out of the open-air venue they were playing at for unruly behaviour. He then jumped into the lake surrounding the open-air venue to swim back in. He was banned for a year, but was later immortalized on a beer can label.
EgJVo TIL the term “hipster,” in fact, drew from the Chinese opium smoker of the 1800s, who’d spent much of his time smoking while reclining on one hip. The hipster counterculture took inspiration from heroin-addicted jazz greats like Charlie Parker and John Coltrane.”
8anRb TIL that in 1983 a Mexican pilot crashed landed in a small town in Ireland and the whole town came together to build a temporary runway for him to take off again and continue his flight.
YapA TIL That when Napoléon I emancipated the Jews he stated “I will never accept any proposals that will obligate the Jewish people to leave France, because to me the Jews are the same as any other citizen in our country” the Russian Orthodox Church labelled him as the ‘Anti-Christ and The Enemy of God’
pE6A TIL that a financial advisor in California suspected that a colleague was ejaculating in her drink bottle after noticing a strange taste, and had her boyfriend ejaculate into a water bottle to confirm her suspicions. The colleague was fired and charged with assault.