› added 3 years ago


TIL scientists developed an experimental "universal treatment" for allergies. While still being tested, it works by wrapping allergens in a nanoparticle which sneaks it past the immune system. This helps the body understand it to be harmless. They so far successfully cured mice with egg allergies.

wQn6 TIL: $15 trillion in assets, which is 7% of the world’s financial assets owned by only only 30,000 investors, is controlled by a one computer named “Aladdin”
D1W0v TIL about Logorrhea, a communication disorder that causes excessive wordiness and repetitiveness, which can cause incoherency. This disorder is also known as press speech. Sometimes classified as a mental illness, though it is more commonly classified as a symptom of mental illness or brain injury.
o9oW TIL while in college Deion Sanders played in the first game of a double header in baseball, ran a leg on his track teams 4x100 meter relay, and then came back and played the second game of his double header all in the same day. He is also the only person to play in the super bowl and world series.
0aA5 TIL the first known Easter egg in a video game was a secret room in Atari Adventure (1979) that credited the game’s developer, Warren Robinett. Atari did not allow their developers to be credited at the time so Robinett added the feature, told no one, and quit before anything could be done about it.
d898d TIL that a Romanian economist won the lottery 14 times by buying every possible combination.