› added 9 years ago


TIL the ATF set up a sting operation during which they hired and then arrested a mentally retarded man, allowed armed felons to leave the store, arrested four of the wrong people, paid such high prices for guns that people sold them to the agents at a profit, and eventually got burglarized.

GZAE TIL there are people that dupe Nigerian scammers for fun, this guy got a scammer to send him a carved bust and perform a Monty Python skit in epic troll!
6EvGw TIL a former engineer in Japan claims to be the only heir to authentic ninjutsu. In his 60s, Jinichi Kawakami decided he will not appoint anyone as the next ninja grandmaster, saying: "we now have guns, the internet and much better medicines, so the art of ninjutsu has no place in the modern age."
GA9E TIL of the Holodomor, the man made famine inflicted upon the Ukrainians by the Soviets in 1932/33. Western governments ignored it due to the desire to gain the Soviets as an ally in trade and war. By the 1937 census, 11,000,000 Ukrainians were no longer present. Some left, but most starved to death.
OG6bX TIL Atum/Atem/Atoum/Tem (to complete or to finish) in Egyptian mythology created the sibling deity couple Shu (peace, lions, air and wind) and Tefnut (moisture, moist air, dew, rain) through various means: spitting them out of his mouth, masturbation or "made union with his shadow"
LQyEm TIL that the USS Ward, the first ship involved in WW II when it sunk a sub sneaking into Pearl Harbor hours before the aerial attack, was commanded by Wm. Outerbridge. 3 years later, USS Ward was mortally damaged by Kamikaze, and ordered sunk by USS O'Brien, commanded by Wm. Outerbridge.