› added 7 years ago


TIL that Henry Beecher, anesthesiologist in Boston, published a 1966 article that drew attention to 22 examples of unethical clinical research that had risked patients’ lives, which along with subsequent Congressional investigation led to current guidelines on informed consent and human research.

d8wkZ TIL that Titus Adams, aged 7, walked barefoot in the snow for half a mile to get help for his mom after she was thrown from her crashed pick-up truck. His courageous half-mile walk amid 23-degree weather saved his mother's life, authorities in Greeley, Colo., said.
R7wn7 TIL about Harry Wesley Coover Jr who discovered super glue (cyanoacrylate) in 1942. He ignored it as being too sticky for what he needed. He then rediscovered it in 1956 while at Eastman Kodak who put it into production. It gained notoriety in the Vietnam War as a way to close battlefield wounds.
jloa TIL Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, took LSD on his deathbed and died tripping.
mxnKp TIL between 33K and 55K Canadians fought in the American Civil War. 29 were awarded Medals of Honor, one was a noted Union Spy, and one was a Union Army officer who formed and led the detachment that captured and killed John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Lincoln.
X06YP TIL of the Darvaza gas crater, AKA the Gates of Hell, a crater in Turkmenistan that has been on fire since the ‘80s. Engineers wanted to prevent the emission of poisonous gases by igniting them, but reportedly underestimated how much there was.