› added 8 years ago


TIL that while suffering from severe alcoholism, Craig Ferguson decided to commit suicide by jumping off the London Tower Bridge. As he was leaving for the bridge, a friend offered him a glass of wine, which lead to him getting drunk, and forgetting to kill himself. He entered rehab 2 months later.

D1Zjg TIL of the “Fruit Machine”. In 1961 the Canadian government hired a university professor to develop a machine to identify gay people. It was at the height of the Cold War and homosexuals were thought to be more susceptible to communism.
vvxj TIL the mother of a 9-week-old child that went missing in 1980 insisted that a dingo took her baby. Six years after being convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison, the child’s jacket was found in a dingo lair. In 2012, it was officially ruled that a dingo had taken and killed the child.
xMwo TIL that Islamic schools, “Maddrassas,” funded largely by Saudi Arabia, provide the only viable means for most Pakistani boys to get an education, and in many regions outnumber the state run schools.
9YRWB TIL that snails leave behind dotted trails. I discovered this after observing a snail on my back porch which left its trail. After researching it; it turns out they lift up their bodies when they move. Slugs are the ones that leave lines.
d8WKQ TIL that 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom' is a prequel to 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' - Temple of Doom is set in 1935, whilst Raiders of the Lost Ark is set in 1936.