› added 10 years ago


TIL in Algeria, the largest country in Africa and 35th in world population, women make up 70% of the country’s lawyers and 60% of its judges, as well as dominating the field of medicine. Increasingly, women are contributing more to household income than men. 60% of university students are women.

jNKAR [TIL] that the Muppets first big break was on The Jimmy Dean Show (the sausage guy) from 1963-66. Rowlf the dog had a 7-10 minute spot with Jimmy every episode. Jim Henson was so grateful he offered Dean 40% of the Muppets, but he turned it down saying he didn't earn it.
ZDPG TIL most train horns are based on musical chords. Common passenger trains found in the U.S. are usually based on maj6th chords, which are not as threatening as most freight trains, which are based on more dissonant, frightening , such as diminished 7th chords
AOLl TIL shortly before his death, Hans Christian Andersen had consulted a composer about the music for his funeral, saying: “Most of the people who will walk after me will be children, so make the beat keep time with little steps.”
XE956 TIL on Jan 23, 1960, about 9 years before the moon landing, Jacques Picard and John Welsch reached the deepest point in the ocean, known as The Challenger Deep. They descended into the Mariana Trench for 4 hours and 47 minutes in a submarine barely large enough to fit the two men.
wL4NM TIL that hersheys produces all cadbury products in the U.S and banned U.K made cadbury from being sold in the states