› added 9 years ago


TIL before the launch, one of the scientists took Laika home to play with his children. In a book chronicling the story of Soviet space medicine, Dr. Vladimir Yazdovsky wrote, “I wanted to do something nice for her: She had so little time left to live.”

R7kel TIL that Mileva Maric, Albert Einstein's first wife, was one of the first female physicists in the world. There is evidence she contributed greatly to Einstein's research, including his theory of special relativity. Einstein once said, "She solves for me all my mathematical problems."
neDxY TIL Shouting FIRE! in a crowded theater isn’t illegal. In U.S. v. Schenck, SCOTUS decided a pamphlet opposing the draft in WWI posed a "clear and present danger" to a nation at war. But it was overturned 40 years later.
GA7rG TIL: When an electric eel senses prey/ a threat, it sends a signal through its nervous system to the electrocytes. Nerve fibres join each electrocyte on one of its sides. The arrival of a signal causes Na+ ions to flood into the cell. This flow gives rise to a discharge of electricity.
P10eL TIL about Elizabeth Miller, a war photographer who took photos in Hitler's bath and Eva Braun's bed
P15pG TIL a pizzeria owner discovered DoorDash was conducting a "demand test" and had a lower price for his pizza even though he had not asked for the pizzeria to be on the app. The owner ordered 10 pizzas on the app, paid $160, and had them delivered to a friend. DoorDash paid the restaurant $240.