› added 8 years ago


TIL that one of the least-remembered US Presidents, Millard Fillmore, was effectively sold as a child by his destitute father into a kind of indentured servitude (bordering on child slavery). He eventually bought himself from his master for $30 and walked 100 miles to his home at age 14

Lk1X9 The winds at Jupiter’s surface, some of the most powerful in the solar system, influence the planet’s gravitational field, the latest observations show. This means that Jupiter’s signature, crisscrossing bands don’t just exist on the surface of the atmosphere. Jupiter’s wind flows actually extend 3,000 kilometres (about 1,860 miles) below the cloud tops, where the pressure is about 100,000 times that of the atmosphere at Earth’s surface.
NX57E TIL Co-Op city, a housing area collectively owned by its tenants, objected to the construction of a tall, bright LED sign facing the city. This was strongly opposed by the residents. Two years later, a windmill was erected near the sign, a month later it collapsed, and took the sign down with it.
v7d8 TIL that a gene mutation allows a very small number of people to naturally sleep four hours per night, with no effects on mental or physical health. This would be evolution.
7rmo7 TIL that Santos Dumont, a Brazilian aviator believed that air travel would bring world peace, therefore he offered his works for free, was accused of espionage during ww1. And he killed himself after witnessing planes being used in warfare.
yQJl8 TIL of Roy Sullivan; a man who was struck by lightning 7 times throughout his life and died at the age of 71 by a self inflicted gunshot wound (rumoured to be the cause of an unrequited love)