› added 9 years ago


TIL TV show “MAS*H” was never intended to have a laugh track. CBS forced the show’s creators to compromise that laughter was to be played over all scenes except surgery scenes to lighten the show’s mood. The show was aired in the UK without a laugh track, as the creators intended

69ol8 TIL about the Uncensored Library in Minecraft, created by Reporters Without Borders to combat censorship. This virtual library gives users access to banned or censored articles and information from around the world, featuring works from journalists who have been censored in their home countries.
ne5No TIL that molotov cocktails are named after Soviet diplomat Vyacheslav Molotov. In the Winter War, Molotov claimed that the Soviets did not bomb the Finns, but instead were sending food supplies to starving civilians. In response Finnish soldiers dubbed petrol filled bottles Molotov's Cocktails.
x6BMD TIL the symbols on playing cards and dots on dice are called "pips"
VaJZ TIL in WW2 the US Navy added poison to their torpedo fuel, as the torps were fuelled with Ethanol (Alcohol), and too many sailors were getting hammered on “Torpedo Juice” - a mixture of 2 parts torp fuel and 3 parts pineapple juice. They changed poisons after too many sailors went blind.
9YA7r TIL California Governor Leland Stanford Sr. lost his only child to Typhoid. Because of this Stanford Sr. decided to honour his dead son by spending his fortune to build Stanford University, telling his wife that "the children of California shall be our children".