› added 10 years ago


TIL that the rapper T.I. once talked a 24yr old jumper down from the ledge of an Atlanta skyscraper. They chatted for 5mins and were reunited on a radio show months after.

wLjdJ TIL US veteran's can choose from over 70 symbols of belief for their tombstone including one for atheism, Wicca, the hammer of Thor, and a heart.
D1Kog TIL of the Corrupted Blood Plague that killed everyone in the cities of World of Warcraft video game, was used as a Model for Epidemic research.
R581a TIL that 1 out of every 6 flights in the US is a private jet.
X0eL8 TIL death clerk is the informal title for the US Supreme Court employee who tracks pending executions across the US to coordinate with justices on legal actions, even outside of work hours
neWo9 National Geographic explorer and grantee Gregg Treinish wants everyone to know about the hidden toxic cost of synthetic fabrics. Tiny, invisible microplastics are entering our waterways straight from our washing machines. About 2,000 synthetic particles are released from washing a single polyester fleece jacket. All clothing items—including cotton and wool—shed micro-fibers when washed, but the natural fibers biodegrade. Synthetic particles don't degrade and can absorb toxins while traveling through the waterways. If they're eaten by small organisms, such as fish, they can bioaccumulate and end up on our dinner plates. Read more about how you can minimize microplastics' impact on the environmentMore from Gregg TreinishClick here to read more about microplastics in the ocean