› added 11 years ago


TIL Sir John Smith, who founded Jamestown, was knighted by a prince of Transylvania, for beheading three Turkish commanders in 3 separate duels. He later captured as a slave, and given by a Turkish nobleman to his mistress, the woman subsequently fell in love with Smith and He escaped 2 years later.

g148 TIL that Boris Yeltsin, when he was president of Russia, was found by White House secret service drunk and in his underwear on Pennsylvania Ave, trying to hail a cab to get some pizza.
ep4BL TIL When you block a fart from escaping, some of the gas can pass through your gut wall and be reabsorbed into your bloodstream. From there, it can end up being exhaled through your lungs, coming out of your mouth via exhaling. You won’t be able to taste a fart that escapes through your mouth.
w9Bo TIL In 2008, a manager at BusinessWeek magazine in New York became trapped in an elevator for 41 hours. The lawsuit ($25 million) he eventually filed against the building’s management company took 4 years to complete during which time he lost his job, his money, his colleagues and his apartment.
KK7G TIL George Carlin requested he wear a bandage over his wedding ring when he played Cardinal Glick in the film DOGMA. Carlin’s wife had died before filming and he wasn’t ready to remove his wedding band. Kevin Smith obliged.
XpZE TIL that there is a species of fungus from the Amazon that feeds on plastic. It can live on plastic alone, and can do so without oxygen, potentially leading to new techniques for bioremediation.