› added 7 years ago


TIL that left-handed sugar exists. It is an artificial, mirrored variant of regular glucose which tastes exactly the same but can’t be metabolized as normal. As a result, it contains very few calories, can be eaten by diabetics and doesn’t promote tooth decay.

71Pp TIL Dust from the Sahara desert has produced a massive carbon sink in the Bahamas, and humans could mimic nature by artificially repeating the process elsewhere
xV8B1 TIL that in 1969 the Rolling Stones hired the Hell's Angels to provide security for their gig at the Altamont Free Concert for a fee of $500 worth of beer. A man by the name of Meredith Hunter Jr. drew a revolver at the stage and was stabbed and kicked to death by the Hell's Angels.
worWE TIL the alleged Goebbels quote "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." has been repeated in numerous books and articles and on thousands of web pages, yet there is no primary source for it.
p8orb TIL about an African American man who was shot by authorities during a protest in Boston. His name was Crispus Attucks, and he took two musket balls in the chest. First death of the American Revolution. Attucks was said to be exhibiting "mad behavior" and his shooters were acquitted.
d8ZLj TIL that a high school basketball coach was fired after his team won 100-0 because the Catholic school he worked for thought that winning by such a wide margin did not show a “Christlike and honourable approach to competition”.