› added 4 years ago


TIL Canada has a major problem with people leaving Canada and moving to the US. This can be seen by how 2/3 of all software engineering graduates moved to the US recently.

e0pmL TIL of the Blue Ocean strategy, wherein companies cease attempting to compete with other companies. The name refers to an ocean that is clear (no competition) as compared to a red ocean: stained with the blood of other companies. The Nintendo Wii is an example of a successful Blue Ocean strategy.
OdoR TIL that in 1942 a Finnish sound engineer secretly recorded 11 minutes of a conversation between Adolf Hitler and Finnish Defence Chief Gustaf Mannerheim. It is the only known recording of Adolf Hitler’s normal unaltered speaking voice.
v1nPL TIL that origami as we know it today was due to Akira Yoshizawa who, in his own estimation created more than 50,000 models of which only a few hundred were presented as diagrams in his 18 books; he lived in poverty from 1937 until 1954, when he published his first monograph and got his first exhibit
x6VP1 TIL An ad for Tango, a soft drink in the UK, which showed a topless orange man slapping people as a metaphor for tasting the drink, caused a craze where kids would slap each other and say "You've been Tango'd!" With one child suffering a perforated ear drum. The ad was withdrawn.
XERLE TIL That medieval European monks were required to maintain their tonsure (bald spot), and each monastery would usually hire or train a barber. Being skilled with razors, barbers would also perform surgical procedures for the monks. They would eventually be recognized as the first 'barber-surgeons'.