› added 7 years ago


TIL Goats' horizontal and almost perfectly rectangular pupils give goats a field of vision of 330°. This means that they can see virtually all but their own backs without turning their head! This gives them a much better chance of noticing a predator before it gets too late.

XEXXX TIL: In Ireland there is a popular tradition known as The 12 pubs of Christmas. You must go to 12 different pubs in one night, having one drink (most commonly a pint of beer) in each Pub. Participants usually have 12 rules to follow, e.g "No sitting in pub 3", "No using the bathroom in pub 7" etc.
D1o0P TIL NASA and the U.S. Naval used 11 deaf men from Gallaudet University and their inability to get nauseous to study the effects of prolonged weightlessness on the human body. Their work made substantial contributions to the understanding of motion sickness and adaptation to spaceflight.
54Vn TIL The letter R is one of the last sounds to be developed in English possibly because children aren’t always certain what people are doing to produce the sound
wY9M TIL that the Gingko biloba tree species is 270 million years old, rarely suffers disease or insect attack and was one of the only living things to survive the Hiroshima nuclear bombing - the trees healed quickly and are still alive today.
VMbW8 TIL Rev. Rul. 69-68, 1969-1 C.B. 153, holds that gambling (even if illegal) is a proper activity for social clubs (Fraternities) exempt under IRC 501(c)(7) because it supplies pleasure and recreation to members and guests, even if it has an additional purpose of raising money.