› added 5 years ago


TIL Charondas - a Greek lawgiver - once issued a law saying that anyone who brought weapons into the Assembly must be put to death. One day, he arrived to the Assembly after hunting with a knife still attached to his belt. He committed suicide in order to uphold his own law.

NvdE TIL Jamie Hyneman, co-host of MythBusters founder of M5 Industries, was a problematic child who ran away at 14 and hitchhiked all over the country before becoming the silent walrus we all know today
ewrb TIL During World War 1, a dog named Stubby was smuggled to Europe, and after saluting the Captain, was allowed to stay in the trenches. He than saved countless American lives earning him a purple heart and a promotion to Sergeant, outranking his owner.
1Pb7 TIL four South Korean woodcutters stumbled across the camp of a group of North Korean commandos on a mission to assassinate the South Korean president. The commandos lectured them on the benefits of communism and spared their lives, but their mission failed as the woodcutters had alerted the police.
pmKb TIL that 70 scientists working on the Manhattan Project signed a petition calling for a demonstration of the atomic bomb to be held with Japanese officials present. It never reached President Truman.
kOxK4 TIL that the Great Smog of London killed in only 4 days, 4.000 people, made 150.000 people ill and killed 8.000 additional people in the months that followed of related diseases whereas in the Chernobyl disaster 31 people died and an additional 4.000 died of related diseases.