› added 7 years ago


TIL the first officially recognized disease caused by an occupation was scrotal cancer in children chimney sweeps in 1775.

xGPD TIL In 1944 Russia captured an American B-29 bomber. Stalin demanded exact clones be made for the Russian air force. A small hole was found on the left wing of the captured aircraft as a result of a manufacturing mistake. All Russian TU-4 bombers included the unnecessary hole in the left wing.
9YOxr TIL of Sam Patch, a man who successfully jumped from Niagara Falls, Passaic falls, and other high points before dying on a second jump over Genessee falls. Ironically, he advertised the event as "Sam's last jump" (intended as his last jump in that area; not as the last of his life).
51M9 TIL when The state of Virginia sent a bronze statue of George Washington to be displayed outside The National Gallery in London, they also sent a ton of earth to respect Washington’s vow that he would never set foot on English soil.
LxWv TIL downtown Seattle actually sits on top of the original city from the 1800s. It was rebuilt on top of ~20-foot high walled tunnels following a great fire, in order to prevent floods from high tide and sewage. You can go underground to see the original city remnants.
W7pYB TIL that after Preston Mutanga recreated the trailer for "Spider-Man:Across the Spider-Verse” shot for shot with Lego style animation, the studio was so impressed they reached out. He animated the Lego sequence in the final film despite being 14 years old at the time only after finishing schoolwork