› added 6 years ago


TIL Domino's Noid mascot was discontinued because a mentally unstable man with the surname Noid thought that the commercials were a personal attack against him and held up a Domino's Store at gunpoint for 5 hours making several demands. Afterwords the police told reporters that "he's para-Noid."

DQoGP TIL n 1953, during the Korean War, the U.S. government launched "Operation Moolah". The goal was to get North Korean pilots to defect and bring their planes with them. In exchange, the pilot would receive $50,000 cash and asylum in a non-Communist country. No pilots defected though.
rNdR0 TIL Sitka spruce plantations have become a dominant forest type in Great Britain and Ireland, making up 25% of forest cover in the former and 52% in the latter
xVr1b TIL: A record exists called "Friends from the Beginning - Little Richard and Jimi Hendrix" contrary to the album's title and claims in the liner notes, Hendrix doesn't contribute anything to the recording. Little Richards involvement in some of the songs has also been called into question.
AM6B TIL: There are no common surnames in Thailand. Under Thai law, only one family can use any given surname: any two people of the same surname must be related.
Wk8DN TIL a woman named Frances Perkins was outside the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory during the fire and saw dozens of people jump to their deaths due to unsafe work conditions. She went on to become the first female Secretary of Labor and founded the Factory Investigating Commission to improve work safety