› added 4 years ago


TIL Martin Luther King Jr. regretted his "I Have A Dream" speech after witnessing all the violence going on in Vietnam and the disdain the country had for Black people, he recanted his 1963 monologue, calling it "naive".

e0ZPE TIL that up until 1927, it was still legal to hunt the Kalahari bush people for sport in Southern Africa. But you needed a permit.
JYev TIL research has found that without artificial light like lamps and computer screens , humans fall asleep soon after it’s dark, wake up for an hour around midnight (which is usually used for having sex), and return to sleep until morning
m1Zgy TIL Orson Welles was not drunk during the infamous Paul Masson shoot, he was under the effects of a sleeping pill. After napping for a few hours, Welles was able to complete the commercial within an hour, and the director said he was a delight to work with.
oRBko TIL the producer of the Sonic games Yuji Naka was visiting an American studio and said in his native Japanese how he was going to poach their game engine to use for Sonic Adventure. The game was cancelled because most of the development team spoke Japanese and quit on the spot in disgust.
XEAZX TIL of The rule of Threes. You can survive three minutes of severe bleeding, without breathable air (unconsciousness generally occurs), or in icy water. You can survive three hours in extreme heat or cold. You can survive three days without drinkable water. You can survive three weeks without food.