› added 4 years ago


TIL in the final years of World War II, Italian businessman Giorgio Perlasca risked his life by posing as a Spanish diplomat in order to save more than 5,000 Hungarian Jews from the Holocaust. Perlasca, a non-Jew, has been honored for his heroism, courage, and compassion by several nations

e7v6 TIL Katie Green, a spokesmodel for Wonderbra, appeared in FHM, and was voted number 3 on the ‘Best Bodies’ list. She was asked to lose 28lbs, making her ill and decided to quite modeling. She started a campaign 'Say No To Size Zero’, to ban all size zero models with an unhealthy BMI from catwalks.
rkAe TIL “health insurance” was actually cooked up as a ploy by hospitals to fill empty beds. The real impetus to making insurance commonplace is when they made premiums tax-free if paid by employers. Before insurance the average person spent $5 per year on medical care.
Kl5B TIL that the honorific for an especially skilled driver reacting adequately to an emergency situation in Russia is “железобетонное очко”, meaning “one whose anus is made of reinforced concrete”.
lo1Ja TIL In Florida, fireworks are legal to buy as long as you sign a form saying you are scaring birds or illuminating a railroad
yQKDe TIL as a reaction to slipping behind in the space race, the United States Air Force developed a plan to detonate a nuclear bomb on the moon. The main objective was to cause a nuclear explosion that would be visible from Earth, boosting the morale of the Amercian people.