› added 4 years ago


TIL SpaceX launched the remains of 152 people to space with a company called Celestis. That same company sent the ashes of Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek creator) to space as the first-ever space burial, back in 1992. Upcoming missions will send DNA and human ashes even farther, into Deep Space.

Z8mKG TIL that in order to stay hydrated, sea snakes drink a thin layer of fresh water that collects on the surface of the ocean, called a "lense", after rain storms and do not drink sea water as previously thought.
JRDB TIL After Dante Rosetti’s wife died he buried her with the only copy of his unpublished poems. Later Rosetti found himself suffering from writer’s block, so he dug her up and retrieved his poems. They were published and well received by critics. He never forgave himself for reopening her grave.
E5po TIL that ABC aired Saving Private Ryan on Veteran’s day, unedited, every year starting in 2001. The practice ended in 2004 (the year of Nipplegate), when nearly 30% of ABC affiliate stations declined the broadcast, even after The Walt Disney Company offered to pay all FCC fines for language.
YpbKW TIL: Workers constructing a then-secret bomb/fallout shelter in Budapest meant to protect the leadership were told the project was actually a subway station. The Rákosi-bunker (AKA F-4 Object) was active from the 1950s to the 70s. Few in the public knew of it until a documentary appeared in 1994.
NEoe TIL in 1998, a woman disappeared while awaiting trial after she had drunkenly killed a woman in a fatal car crash. In 2013, she was arrested in Manitoba, Canada after bragging in a bar about having gotten away with the crime.