› added 3 years ago


TIL Jesse Owens broke three world records and tied a fourth, all in less than an hour at the 1935 Big Ten track meet in Ann Arbor, Michigan, a feat never equalled since, and called "the greatest 45 minutes ever in sport". Owens went on to win four golds at Berlin the following year.

9wkQ6 TIL that 70 to 80% of hemophiliacs being treated with blood products prior to 1985 became infected with HIV
4XE55 TIL of Cocaethyline, a substance produced by the body when cocaine and alcohol are consumed together. Its euphoriant properties are so powerful it causes feelings of acute well-being almost universally among users, but it's also about 25 times more likely to kill you than cocaine alone.
kOr6d TIL: In the United States the reason voting takes place on a Tuesday is in 1845 it could take rural farmers up to a day of travelling by horse and cart to get to a voting station. Wednesday was typically market day and Sunday was the Biblical Sabbath so Tuesday was chosen to allow ample travel time.
Enno TIL two psychologists, to study self-deception, created a provocative questionnaire with the assumption that a response of “no” to any of the questions would be a lie. Some of these questions include: “Have you ever wanted to rape or be raped by someone” “Have you ever enjoyed your bowel movements”
AaVd TIL time-travel, faster-than-light travel and “sliding between parallel worlds” are theoretically possible if there are multiple time dimensions.