› added 3 years ago


TIL The "World's Largest Dinosaur" in Drumheller, Alberta at 26.3 m tall is considerably larger than the largest known specimens of the actual dinosaur which reached up to 12.8 m in length. It has 106 stairs and the viewing area in the mouth can hold between 8 and 12 people at a time

E710 TIL that Sigourney Weaver’s real name is Susan and she chose the name “Sigourney” from a character mentioned in “The Great Gatsby”
yVPdX TIL about Floyd Allen from Carroll County, VA who was sentenced to one year in jail. Rather than go to jail, Allen and his family pulled out guns in the courthouse and killed the Judge, the sheriff, the prosecutor and 2 others in a violent shoot out. Allen was later executed for his escape attempt.
G4W1 TIL You urinate more when you’re cold because of an increase in your arterial blood pressure caused by blood being taken away from your extremities and crammed in your core. Your kidneys shed fluid to try and stabilise it.
8lQ8 TIL first aid training is required to be able to obtain a driver’s license in Germany. This is administered to ensure that in the event of a road accident other drivers will be able to assist.
P6xG TIL In 1977, Maureen Weston of the U.K. voluntarily stayed up for a whopping 449 hours(18 days), and made it into the 1978 Guinness Book of World Records. But because staying awake for such long stretches poses so many health risks, Guinness chose to no longer acknowledge sleep deprivation records.